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发布日期:2021-05-26 信息来源:浙江大学机器人研究院 游览次数:1095


    分别于1986、1989和1997年在浙江大学工业自动化专业获学士、硕士和博士学位,1997年10月至1998年11月在美国俄亥俄州立大学(The Ohio State University)电机系从事有关个人机器人的合作研究。2003年晋升为教授。
    担任国际期刊《Engineering Letters》的副编(Associate Editor)。担任浙江大学机器人研究院副院长。

[1] 智能控制与智能系统,硕士和博士研究生, 1999 to present
[2] 先进控制技术,博士研究生, 2009 to present
[3] 智能控制导论.  本科生. 2006 to present
[4] 应用统计学,本科生, 2004 to 2012

Journal Articles
● Li Xu ; Jun Zhang ; Bin Shi ; Wuqiang Meng. Automating Shift-Scheduling Calibration by Using Bionic Optimization and Personalized Driver Models.IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation Systems. 20(12): 4367-4376, 2019
● Tengyue Bian, Fangzhou Chen, Li Xu. Self-attention based speaker recognition using cluster-range loss. Neurocomputing, 368(27): 59-68, 2019.
● XIn He, Li Xu, and Zhe Zhang. Driving behaviour characterisation by using phase-space reconstruction and pre-trained convolutional neural network. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. 13(7), 2019.
●Bin Shi ; Li Xu ; Wuqiang Meng. Applying a WNN-HMM Based Driver Model in Human Driver Simulation: Method and Test. IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation Systems. 19 (11): 3431 – 3438, 2018
●Xin He, Li Xu, Zhe Zhang. Early Warning of Current-Carrying Faults Based on Deterioration Assessment of Electric Contacts. IEEJ Trans 2018; 13: 1709–1715
●Jie Hu, Li Xu, Xin He, Hong Jiang, Wuqiang Meng.  Abnormal Driving Detection Based On Normalized Driving Behavior.  IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 66(8), 2017, DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2017.2660497
● Bin Shi, Li Xu , Hong Jiang, Wuqiang Meng. Comparing fuel consumption based on normalised driving behaviour: a case study on major cities in China. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. 2017, Doi: 10.1049/iet-its.2016.0065,
● Li Xu, Jie Hu, Hong Jiang, and Wuqiang Meng. Establishing style-oriented driver models by imitating human driving behaviors. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 16(5): 2522-2530, 2015
● Bin Shi, Li Xu, Jie Hu, Yun Tang, Hong Jiang, Wuqiang Meng, and Hui Liu. Evaluating driving styles by normalizing driving behavior based on personalized driver modeling. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems.  45(12): 1502-1508, 2015
● Huiyuan Zhang, Li Xu. Diagnostic System for Current-Carrying Fault: Modeling, Precaution, and Prediction,IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 29(3): 1318-1325, 2014.
● Jian Lin, Li Xu, Huiyuan Zhang. Hybrid biogeography based optimization for constrained optimal spot color matching. Color Research and Application. 39(6): 607-615, 2014.
● Bin Shi, Jie Hu and Li Xu, Automatic transmission gear prediction based on personalised transmission gear modeling. Int. J. Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing, Vol. 10, No. 4, 2015
● Bin Shi, Jie Hu, Wuqiang Meng, and Li Xu. A Normalized Approach for Evaluating Driving Styles Based on Personalized Driver Modeling.  LECTURE NOTES IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Vol.328, 433-444, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015.  ( Excellent Papers Award – SAE_CCE 2014)
● Shaodi Hu and Li Xu, Early warning of electric equipment current-carrying fault based on equivalent resistance analysis, Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument, (基于等效电阻分析的载流故障早期预警,仪器仪表学报), 37(1): 215-220,  2016;
● Yao Meng, Li Xu, and J.Yang (孟垚,许力*,杨洁),Application of multi-scale chaotic time series prediction in early warning of electric equipment current-carrying fault. Electric Machines and Control. (多尺度混沌时间序列在载流故障预测中的应用. 电机与控制学报). 19(7): 1-7, 2015
● Li Xu, Jie Hu, and Wuqiang Meng(许力,胡杰,孟武强). Personalized Driver Model and Its Application to Vehicle Testing. Journal of Mechanical Engineering (个性化驾驶员模型及其在车辆测试中应用,机械工程学报),51(18): 136-142, 2015
●Fangfang Ye and Li Xu (叶芳芳,许力), Real-time detection and discrimination of static objects and ghosts. Journal of Zhejiang University(Engineering Science. (实时的静止目标与鬼影检测及判别方法. 浙江大学学报(工学版)),49(1), 2015
● Jian Lin and Li Xu (林剑,许力),Parameter estimation for chaotic systems based on hybrid biogeography-based optimization.  Acta Physica Sinica. (基于混合生物地理优化的混沌系统参数估计,物理学报), 62(3): 1-7,2013
● Huiyuan Zhan, Li Xu, Erfeng Lu and Feng Zhou (张慧源,许力*,鲁二峰,周峰), Current-carrying fault prediction of electric equipment based on hybrid particle filtering. Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument. (基于混合粒子滤波的电力设备载流故障预测,仪器仪表学报),34(6): 222-228,2013
●Huiyuan Zhang, Junda Shen and Li Xu (张慧源,沈军达,许力), Temperature model of electrical equipment and its application in trend forecast for current-carrying fault. Electric Machines and Control. (电力设备温升模型及其在载流故障预测的应用,电机与控制学报), 17(7): 81-86, 2013
● Li Xu, Erfeng Lu and Feng Zhou (许力,鲁二峰,周峰),Temperature Uniformity Control in MOCVD based on Modeling and Optimization. Journal of Synthetic Crystals. (基于建模与优化的MOCVD温度均匀控制,人工晶体学报), 42(6), 2013
●Huiyuan Zhang, Hongjie Gu, Li Xu and Wencai Xu (张慧源,顾宏杰,许力,许文才),Current-carrying fault prediction of electric equipment based on least squares support vector machine. Power System Protection and Control. (基于最小二乘支持向量机的载流故障趋势预测,电力系统保护与控制), 40(10): 19-23,29,2012
● Li Xu, Pengdong Zhu, Hongjie Gu and Wencai Xu (许力,竺鹏东,顾宏杰,许文才),Early warning of electric equipment current-carrying faults based on variable-scale principal component analysis. Electric Power Automation Equipment. (基于变尺度PCA的电力设备载流故障早期预警,电力自动化设备),32(5): 147-151,2012

[1] 许力*,张慧源,顾宏杰, 许文才,李学红,  一种电力设备载流故障在线诊断预警方法 ,发明专利CN201210057797.X(已授权)
[2]许力*,张慧源,顾宏杰,许文才,李学红,  基于最小二乘支持向量机的电力设备载流故障趋势预测方法, 发明专利CN201210057792.7(已授权)

智能控制与智能系统, 机械工业出版社, 2007年

1) 高性能网络化智能机械手控制技术及装置研发, 浙江省科学技术奖一等奖, 2008年;
2) DJ-B四色电脑针织提花地毯圆机 ,浙江省科学技术奖二等奖, 2006年;
3) 动态非线性系统的在线学习控制及应用研究 , 浙江省科学技术奖二等奖, 2002年