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发布日期:2020-10-21 信息来源:浙江大学机器人研究院 游览次数:932





研究生课程 (全英文): 《Intelligent Sensing Tech and Human-Robot Interaction》



Journal Papers:

Deng Jia, Pang Gaoyang, Zhang Zhiyu, Pang Zhibo, Yang Huayong, Yang Geng* 'cGAN Based Facial Expression Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction' IEEE Access, IF:3.557, vol. 7, pp. 9848-9859, 10.1109/ACCESS, 2019.

Yang Geng, Pang Gaoyang, Pang Zhibo, Gu Ying, Mantysalo Matti, Yang Huayong, 'Non-invasive Flexible and Stretchable Wearable Sensors with Nano-based Enhancement for Chronic Disease Care' IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, pp. 34 - 71, Dec. 2018. DOI: 10.1109/RBME, 2018.

Yang Geng, Lv Honghao, Chen Feiyu, Pang Zhibo, Wang Jin, Yang Huayong, Zhang Junhui *, 'A Novel Gesture Recognition System for Intelligent Interaction with a Nursing-Care Assistant Robot' Applied Sciences-Basel, IF:1.69, vol. 8, (12), art. no. 2349, Dec. 2018. DOI: 10.3390/app8122349, 2018.

Shen Hui-Min*, Yue Yang, Lian Chong, Ge Di, Yang Geng, 'Tongue-Computer Interface Prototype Design Based on T-Type Magnet Localization for Smart Environment Control' Applied Sciences-Basel, IF:1.69, vol. 8, (12), art. no. 2498, Dec. 2018. DOI: 10.3390/app8122498, 2018.

Pang Gaoyang, Deng Jia, Wang Fangjinhua, Zhang Junhui, Pang Zhibo, Yang Geng*, 'Development of Flexible Robot Skin for Safe and Natural Human-Robot Collaboration' Micromachines, IF: 2.22 , vol. 9, (11), art. no. 576, Nov. 2018. DOI: 10.3390/mi9110576, 2018.

Pang Zhibo, Yang Geng*, Ridha Khedri, Zhang Yuan-Ting, “Introduction to the special section: convergence of automation technology, biomedical engineering, and health informatics toward the healthcare 4.0” in IEEE Review in Biomedical Engineering (RBME), vol. 11, pp. 249-259, Jul. 2018. DOI: 10.1109/RBME, 2018 (Cover Article).

Chen Feiyu, Lv Honghao, Pang Zhibo, Zhang Junhui, Hou Yonghong, Gu Ying, Yang Huayong and G. Yang*, “WristCam: A Wearable Sensor for Hand Trajectory Gesture Recognition and Intelligent Human-Robot Interaction” in IEEE Sensors Journal. IF: 2.61, pp. 1-1, Oct. 2018. DOI: 10.1109/JSEN, 2018.

Yang Geng, Jiang Mingzhe, Ouyang Wei, Ji Guangchao, Xie Haibo*, Amir M. Rahmani, Pasi Liljeberg, and Hannu Tenhunen, “IoT-based Remote Pain Monitoring System: from Device to Cloud Platform” in IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (IEEE JBHI), IF: 3.85, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 1711-1719, Nov. 2018. DOI: 10.1109/JBHI, 2018(Cover Article).

Chen Feiyu, Deng Jia, Pang Zhibo, Majid Baghaei Nejad, Yang Huayong, and Yang Geng*,“Finger Angle-Based Hand Gesture Recognition for Smart Infrastructure Using Wearable Wrist-Worn Camera” in Applied Sciences, IF:1.69, vol. 8, (3), art. no. 369, Mar. 2018. DOI: 10.3390/app8030369, 2018.

Yang Geng, Deng Jia, Pang Gaoyang, Zhang Hao, Li Jiayi, Deng Bin, Pang Zhibo, Xu Juan, Jiang Mingzhe, Pasi Liljeberg, Xie Haibo*, and Yang Huayong “An IoT-enabled Stroke Rehabilitation System based on Smart Wearable Armband and Myoelectric Machine Learning” in IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health & Medicine (IEEE JTEHM), IF: 1.75, vol. 6, pp. 1-10, May. 2018. DOI: 10.1109/JTEHM, 2018.



1.基于可穿戴式设备的人机交互技术 (Human Machine Interaction Technology based on Wearable Tech.)

2.柔性电子、柔性传感技术及其在多源感知中的应用(Flexible Electronics&Sensing Tech and its Applications in Multi-source Sensing)

3.协作型机器人及主动安全策略研究(Assistive Robots and Active-Safty Strategy)

4.生物医学微纳系统(Biomedical Micro-circuits and Systems)



Selected Publications in recent 2 years:

Geng Yang, Jia Deng, Gaoyang Pang, Hao Zhang, Jiayi Li, Bin Deng, Zhibo Pang, Juan Xu, Mingzhe Jiang, Pasi Liljeberg, Haibo Xie*, and Huayong Yang ,“An IoT-enabled Stroke Rehabilitation System based on Smart Wearable Armband and Myoelectric Machine Learning”, IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health & Medicine (IEEE JTEHM),2018.

Zhibo Pang,Geng Yang*, Ridha Khedri and Yuan-Ting Zhang,“Introduction to the Special Section: Convergence of Automation Technology, Biomedical Engineering, and Health Informatics Toward the Healthcare 4.0”, IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering (IEEE RBME), vol.11, pp.249-259, 2018. (Featured on Cover)

Feiyu Chen, Jia Deng, Zhibo Pang, Majid Baghaei Nejad, Huayong Yang, and Geng Yang*, “Finger Angle-Based Hand Gesture Recognition for Smart Infrastructure Using Wearable Wrist-Worn Camera”, Applied science ,8(3):369,IF:1.68,March.2018.

Geng Yang, Mingzhe Jiang, Wei Ouyang, Guangchao Ji, Haibo Xie, Amir, M. Rahmani, Pasi, Liljeberg, and Hannu Tenhunen, “IoT-based Remote Pain Monitoring System: from Device to Cloud Platform” ,IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (IEEE JBHI), pp(99):1-1,IF: 3.45, Nov.2017.